Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Lock Down Books!!

I deserve books because I can not leave my house.

These are my first two. I have one more on the way! 

First, Lincoln by David Herbert Donald. Every American thinks about Lincoln at least once a day. You're welcome for your daily thought.

Lincoln has always been my favorite president...he was odd and liked cats. I can relate. I feel that I would like to know more about him though especially his morals, values and political thoughts and agenda. As far as I could find out, this was one of the top biographies about him. I would LOVE Walter Isaacson to write a Lincoln biography. If anyone know Mr. Isaacson, then could you please relay that he needs to write a Lincoln book. Thanks!

Second, Loved by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast...love them! Mom and daughter team...what's not to like. Okay, so these two wrote The House of Night Series, which is the 3rd series that I fell in love with, going back to the previous blog post. How much do I love the HON series? I love the HON series so much that I haven't read the last book because I didn't want it to end. Yeah. I did that. Still. Buuuutttt, since they love their fans and knew our lives were missing something, they wrote another series about the HON gang. Love it!! 

My plan? Since I didn't read the last HON book, I can't just read it now. It's been FAR too long. It seriously calls for the whole series to be read again. Then I can hop over to the HON Other World series and they already have three books available...Loved...Lost...Forgotten...and Found is due to be released on 7 July 2020. 

Problem solved!

All Hail Midnight Sun!!!

I am NOT a bandwagon type of girl, BUT the Twilight Series deserves it and I will bow down to the literary gods in praise of this miracle that persuaded Stephenie Meyer to finish writing this and present it to her public. Overdramatic? A bit. Well deserved? YA!

As with any book series that comes into mass hysteria, I try to stay away from. I do not like doing the mainstream thing. When Harry Potter came out, I was like...hmmm, I gotta see what the fuss is all about. The Chamber of Secrets had just been released in paperback and I bought that and the Sorcerer's Stone...both in paperback. Now I have repeatedly said here that I am a HORRIBLY slow reader. I fall asleep when I read...whether I am tired or not. I can read the SAME paragraph about 10 times and THEN I start to yawn and my eyes water up and then I can't see! Reading can be a nightmare for me and I love it SO much! BUT...Harry Potter...totally devoured both books in a week and stalked the bookstore when Prisoner of Azkaban was due out. Amazon started coming out the with free shipping ON the day of publication and I'd order the books in advance and perch on my front doorstep just waiting for the Harry Potter man to show up...or the mailman...whatever you call him. I'd be done the book in 3 days and it wouldn't even look like it had been touched.

When I finished reading The Deadly Hallows, it was like the end of a long voyage. I mean, I grew up with these kids! They were just babies when they started Hogwarts! I cried. I laughed. I was a damn mess! And all while we were driving to North Carolina on vacation. The kids would just watch  me from the back seat. It was emotional.

Then there came Twilight. Nope! Not going to do it. I am NOT going to read this silly series and I am NOT going to pick my "team" or whatever. No way.

I am Team Edward.

Curiosity got the best of me. I would wake up at 3 in the morning and crawl out like a junkie to read a few chapters. It was bad. What would Bella do? I want my own vampire boyfriend! Are all werewolves built like that? I was crazy. And like every good series it had to end and there is much sadness. BUT there was hope! Ms. Meyer had ANOTHER book planned! The Twihards rejoiced! Now we would get a chance to read what Edward was thinking! Team Edward (that's me) cheered! And then it happened...

...a leak.

The new book got shut down as quick as Edward running a marathon! 

...until now...

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pandemic Reading List

Wow, it's been a year. Believe it or not, I have not been reading at all since last year. So much has been going on my life, that I have not been able to pick up a book. The beginning of this year though, I knew I had to change it all around and getting back to reading was just a start. I started about 4 different books, but none of them really captured my attention. I needed THE book that would get me back into reading again...and then it happened.
I have NO idea where I found the title, but it intrigued me so I ordered it from the library. I had to order it out of county so my time was very limited and I am a horrifically slow reader. The first chapter grabbed me immediately so I ordered it from Amazon. For just a little extra, I was able to get the first two books in a set. I'm about mid-way through and I am SO hooked!!!

I highly suggest - Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige! It all circles around the Wizard of Oz which is my truly favorite movie (sorry, I haven't read the book). So...what if Dorothy turns evil and takes over the land of Oz. What if the Wicked Witch wasn't so wicked after all. What if another young girl gets thrown into Oz by a tornado and is told...Dorothy must die and you must kill her.

If that doesn't suit you, then I picked a few other books and made a Pandemic Book List. You can find it on the Pages above. You may not have some or all of them and chances are, your library is closed too. In that case, take a look around and make your own list! If you're feeling generous, then please share your list in the comments below!