Thursday, January 7, 2016

January is Book Blitz Month!!

Happy Book Blitz Month!!! What is Book Blitz Month? It is a time to celebrate reading and books! It's the beginning of the year and if you're reading kinda slowed down a everyone tends to do during the holiday time...then this is the time to ramp it up! Dust off those dustcovers...print out those reading challenges...make those reading goals...and get to reading!!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Goodreads Update

Hello All!!!

Have you visited No? Why? I love Goodreads. It's truly like Facebook for bookworms AND, if you didn't know, The Library Larvae has a group there!! Go check it out!!

This month The Library Larvae has a few things rolling on it's Goodreads group:

  • Reading Challenge - This is our first reading challenge of 2016!! We'll be reading "new" books and books that are the firsts of a series.
  • Group Read - Our group read for January is "Nearly Gone" by Elle Cosimano. Grab the book from your local book store or library and get to reading. We'll discuss it at the end of the month.
  • Read-a-Long - This month's read-a-long is "Echo" by Pam Munoz Ryan. We'll be reading and discussing along the way. Grab a copy and join in the conversations.
Hope to see everyone over at!!

Friday, January 1, 2016