Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Graphic Novels!

I've been in denial long enough and I'm now ready to accept graphic novels into my life. Last year, as a part of my school's Black-Eyed Susan Jeopardy challenge, I read all of the graphic novel nominees to put together a list of questions. This year I'm planning on doing the same thing AND there are few books that are sequels that I'm looking forward to reading LIKE...

TAH DAH!!!! This is the sequel to Phoebe and Her Unicorn which was the first book in the Heavenly Nostrils Series by Dana Simpson. Unicorn On A Roll is followed by: Unicorn vs Goblins, Razzle Dazzle Unicorn and Unicorn Crossing which is coming out 28 March 2017. 

I haven't read Unicorn On A Roll yet, but I just brought it home from the library and plan to soon. I'll let you know if it was just as laugh-out-loud as Phoebe and Her Unicorn was!

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